It's the same ole story. Singing since she can remember. The only difference, Sierra Black shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. She's got a little Carrie in her appearance and a little Miranda in her voice. But she's 110% herself. She's country through and through. So sit down and take a peek into the life of this hometown Vegas girl.
Meet the one and only...Sierra Black.
Full Name:
Sierra Babette Black
Hometown/currently live:
Born and Raised in Las Vegas, NV currently living here! Some say New York is the city that never sleeps but I’m telling you my town is a 24 hour town that NEVER sleeps.
What made you want to start writing songs?
I guess when I was little I loved to write poetry and then the older I got it turned into songs. But I love songwriting it’s my escape.
Do you play any instruments?
Piano and Guitar!
Did you teach yourself?
Piano no but as far as guitar I had one lesson for the basics and kind of went on my own from there
Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
I have so many. I LOVE Faith Hill I mean looks, voice, songs everything about her is so perfect along with Shania Twain. Although you cant beat Dolly’s bling and Jolene is one of my favorites. Stevie Nicks is certainly up there and her song Landslide is my all time favorite. It’s always included in my sets. You can’t forget the King. I love me some George Strait.
Where do you get inspiration to write your songs?
So many different things inspire me. Not only my own personal life experiences but stories my best friends tell me about or even family. Obviously being a 21 year old hopeless romantic I love to write about love but nothing holds me back from giving a boy a piece of my mind!
Favorite songs you have written/co-written?
I wrote a song with Stephanie Bentley (co-writer on Breathe for Faith hill) called “Peace, Love I’m Gone”.  I told her in our session how I was so tired of waiting for this guy to change that I just wanted to say Peace, love, I’m gone, see ya later never to return again! So that’s how the title came out. I won’t lie I say some harsh things about him but well….. they were all true! Its lighthearted, funny and like I said true, but its one of my favorites. I also wrote one called I Told Ya So which is a total sappy love song. Hopeless romantic over here its easy to bust those out. It’s about falling in love and everyone telling you it will never work but it does. It’s the ultimate love song where you get to tell everyone “I told ya so”. Its sweet and I think one song that really is me.
What moment in your music career is your favorite so far?
I have 2. My first show I got to open for Joe Nichols I was standing backstage…. Tweeting of all things…. When Joe himself walked by me shook my hand and wished me luck. I about passed out before I even got on stage! The second would have to be playing my first arena. I have never felt like that in my whole life. The crowd was amazing; the arena was amazing everything about it was AMAZING!
Finish this sentence…if I could write a song for or with anyone I would choose______.
I think I would have to pick Stevie Nicks!
Where do you see yourself in a year?           5 years?
In a year I hope to be furthering my career and songwriting. Get some more shows under my belt and write with some more songwriters. 5 years boy Im not sure! Every year im pleasantly surprised I try to predict things but  I think God giggles when I do that.
5 years?
In 5 years I hope to be happy and healthy… playing my guitar Felina in front of thousands of people. AND at least walked the CMA red carpet in some fab heels.
If I wasn't a songwriter I would be…
A wedding planner!!! I think it would be so fun to help a couple plan the most special day of their life!
I'm afraid of ______.
Snakes, Spiders and NEEDLES. Can’t even watch someone get a shot on the TV.
I never get tired of_______.
Fried pickles. I could eat them for every meal. Does that count???
Okay, I always ask that people tell me one thing about themselves that most people don't know. (Hidden talents, weird routines, etc.)
I wear a Necklace that says “Babs” it was my grandmas. I never met her and she was also a singer. I’ve never taken it off and before every show I hold it and make sure I dedicate every performance to her.
I’m also an incredibly fast texter. Not sure if that’s a thing to be proud of?