Full Name:
"My full name on my birth certificate is Cort Caleb Carpenter."

"I am currently 28 Years Old. Born July 7th, 1986."
Hometown || Currently Live:
"I grew up in Washington State in a small town called Kelso. I currently live in Nashville, TN. with my wife, Kelly, & dog, Dax."

Tell us a little about family?
"My parents live back in my hometown of Kelso Washington and are retired school teachers. (Dave & Elana) taught and coached at Kelso for a combined total of 75+ years. Everyone knows them back home. My older brother, (Rhett), lives in Seattle Washington and works in the safety construction business. He is very successful in his field of work and dabbles in teaching as well. Not to mention, many people know him as one of the top fisherman in the Northwest.”

What made you want to start singing?
"You know, I have loved to sing forever, but was deathly afraid to really sing in front of anyone, especially my parents. After my baseball career ended I started singing for fun. I entered a few singing competitions locally back home then hooked up with some local singers/musicians who believed I could do something with it. So we started up a band, I started some singing lessons and guitar lessons & ran with it. After being up on stage and seeing people really loving what they were hearing, I was instantly hooked. Now I am in Music City, and doing this several times a week to the biggest country music fans and industry people in the business. It is quite the thrill."

Do you play any instruments?
"I play some acoustic guitar. Always trying to get better at it and still taking weekly lessons to improve my skill set. Growing up, I played the stand up String Bass in our schools powerful Orchestra program for 8 years. But until 5 years ago, I had never even touched a guitar. I actually got my first guitar from an ex-girlfriend as a Christmas gift. Who would have known it was the beginning of my music career. Lol"

Did you teach yourself?
"I currently take lessons weekly and have been now for 2 years via Skype."

Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
"Well, this is a question I never know truly how to answer. I love all genres of music. Seriously, all of them for different reasons. I grew up listening to 50's & 60's on the "Oldies" station with my parents. They were never into country music, neither was I. I probably know the lyrics to 75% of all Oldies songs because that was what I always heard. Country music actually was introduced to me by one of my best friends back home. We played a lot of sports together and his family was always listening to country. So riding in the car with them to games I would hear it. I quickly fell in love with the song lyrics and emotions that come in a country song. From then, I have been into it ever since."

Where do you get inspiration to write your songs?
"Well, I have loved to write lyrics for many years now. Many of the lyrical ideas come from past life experiences. I played collegiate sports and went to college and have experienced many cool things. So my ideas come from those. However, many times I try to think of what people are talking about or saying/doing to get my ideas. 2015 I am really going to be diving into the writing scene as much as I can."

Favorite songs you have ever recorded?
"I have two (7) song EP's out now. Both with strong material that were gathered by songwriters around town and beyond. My favorite songs I have ever recorded were probably "Tellin' Me Lies", "Friday Night Lights", "Midnight Girl" & "So Long". Although, I love all the songs I recorded for different reasons, these 4 are my favorites at the moment. However, it seems to change on a weekly basis. (HaHa)."

What moment in your music career is your favorite so far?
"Hmm... This is tough. I have played in so many cool shows and for so many people around the country. It is really hard to choose a favorite because I am getting opportunities and crowds that blow me away on a nightly basis. So thankful for that! However, one thing I can remember that was really sticks out was playing at the Oregon Jamboree in 2013. We took the stage and had a good little crowd. But once we started playing, I saw movement in the distance. It was about 100 yards away. I kept looking and then figured out it was a swarm of people walking to hear us. It was like a scene right out of the "Walking Dead". Where it was a mass of people (walkers) that were attracted to the music we had began our show with. It was so cool! People crammed in and partied like no tomorrow! We really had an awesome show that day, and hopefully we will be back there next summer!"

Finish this sentence…if I could write a song for or with anyone I would choose______.
"Joe Nichols, Tim McGraw or Toby Keith. These three artists are ones I consider myself similar to in many ways. These are guys I study and really admire. Hopefully I will get a shot to tour with them someday in the near future."

Where do you see yourself in a year?           5 years?
"In one year, I hope to be on a big label, or making so much noise independently that many of them are itching to pick me up. In 5 years I hope to have a very successful career happening in country music. By that time I hope to be a face and voice people recognize and love around the world."

If I wasn't a singer I would be…
"I'd likely be a business owner somewhere. I have always loved business type things. Ever since I was a little boy, I have had "Cort's Card Shop" in my parents basement set up like a real store. I was always into sports cards and collecting, and would make my parents come down and buy baseball cards nightly. When they would have parties, I would be sure to have each guest buy something before they left. I was always wheeling and dealing. So if it wasn't for my music career, I would likely own some sort of business somewhere."

I'm afraid of ______.
"Big spiders & big bugs. Little ones don't bother me so much anymore. Though they creep me out, I still have a hard time killing them because I feel so bad afterwards. So the last few years I have been trying to set them free by moving them or putting them outside. I felt bad interrupting their journey. I'm pretty softhearted these days..."

I never get tired of_______.
"Vacation. My wife Kelly and I love to travel. Whether it be with family, or by ourselves... And it must be somewhere with sun and a great beach... One day when I am older, I know we will be living somewhere tropical."

My favorite sports team is ______.
"I am a die-hard Seattle Seahawks fan. 12th Man, baby! I'm a Washington State boy, so that's a no brainer."

Okay, I always ask that people tell me one thing about themselves that most people don't know. (Hidden talents, weird routines, etc.)
"Well, many don't know this but one of my favorite things to do is go to the movies. I go more than anyone you probably ever will know. Very few movies I don't see in theaters. Another thing people may not know about me is I was a 3 sport athlete at my high school playing (Football, Baseball & Basketball), excelling in all 3. I lettered 11 out of 12 times in High School. Everyone used to know me for my athletic achievements, before I got into singing. I went on to play Division-1 college baseball at the University of Portland."

C O N N E C T  W I T H  C O R T

F E E D  Y O U R  A D D I C T I ON