The past few weeks have been a blur. A really amazing, crazy unbelievable, absolutely mind-blowing blur.
I’ve always been a dreamer, a doer, a thinker. I’ve always been the girl who see’s possibility everywhere. But I can honestly say I didn’t see this one coming.
This journey started with one email. A risky email, at that. I went out on a limb and asked my style icon for an interview about the clothing line she was starting with her husband. I never imagined what would happen next.
About a week later I received an email in return with all the questions answered. Normally it takes me a few weeks to process everything, type it up, and share on The Tennessee Life. This time, it took 14 hours. I posted the very next day.
My readers finally got to know a little about….
T R I B E   K E  L L E Y.
[read the interview here]

Tribe Kelley is a clothing line that was started by Brian Kelley, of Florida Georgia Line, and his amazing wife Brittney.
About a year and a half ago I started following Brittney and absolutely fell in love with her free spirited ways, laid back attitude, and boho style. When I found out she and BK would be releasing their own clothing line inspired by their traveling lifestyle and own personal style I literally jumped for joy.

After sharing the interview, my blog grew tremendously. We had brought in nearly 18,000 views to the interview in a little over 24 hours. When I say Florida Georgia Line fans are the greatest, I’m not kidding. I received so many messages, emails, and mentions thanking me for sharing an inside look into the line that they are all still patiently waiting on.

The interview continues to get thousands of views every single day. For this, I’m beyond grateful.

Once it seemed the dust had settled, things rapidly changed in a matter of hours.
I received an email from the head of the Tribe Team. She basically said Brittney had personally picked my name to be considered for a blogging internship with Tribe Kelley.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I didn’t need to read any further. My answer…was yes.

I composed myself [somewhat] and responded with my resume and an attached note that read: If I Joined The Tribe. I listed what I thought I could bring to the table, told a little about myself, and made sure they knew that no matter what they threw my way I’d give 110% effort.
Now, there was only one thing to do. Wait. I did just that. I told only two people and tried not to get my hopes up.

Then, I got the email I’d been waiting for….
Thank you so much for allowing Tribe Kelley to get to know you better! Your eagerness and energy flows right off the page. We are super excited to share Tribe Kelley updates and start working closer with you in the coming months.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to tell the world. But I didn’t. Part of me wanted to fall asleep, wake up, and double check that this was really happening. I did just that. I waited and I slept on it….for two weeks. And guess what, every morning when I woke up, it was still real. Finally, after receiving the TK blessing, I shared my big news with the world.

That looked a little something like this…

Suddenly, everything kicked into high gear.
I gained a bunch of new followers and ‘friends’.
I received hundreds of congratulations messages and a few messages I would never want anyone else to receive.
One thing I learned in a matter of minutes…with good, comes bad.
And you know what, that’s completely okay.
Sometimes people won’t understand your journey. And in all honesty, they don’t need to. It’s an adventure for you, not them.

So for now, I get to research and find out how to spread the TK vibes the best way I know how. Look for the Tribe Kelley blog to showcase real life blogs, production and process of how the clothes were made, and behind the scenes looks into the uniqueness of Tribe Kelley.
Coming to a closet//and computer//near you.

Be patient. The best things happen unexpectedly.


C O N N E C T   W I T H
T R I B E   K E L L E Y


I’m taking this moment right now to thank a bunch of people who have been there for me from the beginning. The people who were Team Morg when all I had was a blog no one really read. I am so thankful for my sweet friends, new and old, who have believed in my crazy dreams that at one time seemed so unrealistic. Abby, Sadie, Desiree, Katelyn, Alyssa, Cait, Morgan, Kristina, Carly, Natalie, & Becca: I wouldn’t be where I am without y’all. You all make my heart the happiest and I love you each more than words could ever justify.
And just know this is not the end of The Tennessee Life. It’s only the beginning.