Full Name:
Ryan Michael Bizarri
Hometown/Currently Live:
Coal Valley, Illinois / Nashville, Tennessee
What made you want to start writing /singing songs?
My dad, my grandpa & Garth Brooks
Do you play any instruments?
Did you teach yourself?
Dad taught me a couple chords then I did have a teacher for a moment but mostly self taught.
Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
Tony Arata, Garth Brooks, Brad Paisley
Where do you get inspiration to write your songs?
Just living life.
Favorite songs you have written/recorded?
"Eat, Sleep, Love You, Repeat" and "I Could Have Been Beautiful"
You recently got the honor of having a song you co-wrote get released by country star Rodney Atkins.
What was the inspiration behind the song?
My wife and daughter.
What were your thoughts after learning the song would not only be in his new album, but primarily be his next single?
An overwhelming feeling that all of my prayers had finally been answered and in fact, God had been hearing me all along.
What moment in your music career is your favorite so far?
My mentor, Tony Arata called me once upon a time to tell me he had just listened to "I Could Have Been Beautiful" and that not only did it move him, he said if given the chance, it could be song of the year.
Finish this sentence…if I could sing a song with anyone I would choose______.
George Strait; for my grandpa.
If I could play any venue I would choose____.
I play the Bluebird frequently so I'd choose The Opry.
If I wasn’t a singer/songwriter I would be
I"m afraid of ______.
bad songs.
I never get tired of_______.
taco pizza.
Can we expect any new music coming in the future?
Yes, I plan to release some individual tracks digitally in 2015.
Okay, I always ask people to tell me one thing about themselves that is random or strange that most people don’t know! ​
If I told you then everyone would know. What would I say to the next interviewer who asks that same question?

[SPECIAL THANKS to Ryan Bizarri for working with me on this interview! Can't wait to see Eat Sleep Love You Repeat climb the charts!]