C A R L Y   P E A R C E

Hometown || Currently Living
Originally from Taylor Mill, KY but have lived in Nashville for 5 years.

What made you want to start writing /singing songs?
To be honest, there's really never been a day of my life that I can remember that music wasn't "it" for me. My mom tells me that I was singing before I was talking and the only thing that would stop me from crying as a baby was country music! Music is in my blood.

Do you play any instruments? Did you teach yourself?
I play guitar and a little bit of mandolin. As a teenager, I sang in a couple of bluegrass bands around the Cincinnati area, and one of the dobro players was a fantastic guitar player who definitely showed me the basics back when I was first starting out. I learned a lot about playing guitar and even singing harmony in those years that I traveled with those bands. Bluegrass musicians and singers are the real deal! :)

Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
I have so many musical inspirations, it's hard to narrow it down to just one or even a couple. I would say some of my biggest are Sonya Isaacs, Alison Krauss, Patty Loveles, Trisha Yearwood, Dan Tyminski and Dolly!

Where do you get inspiration to write your songs?
I get my inspiration from all different areas when writing songs. Of course my own life and my friend's lives, but also from movies, books, or even just phrases that people say to me on a day to day basis. Always keeping my ears open for a good idea. :)

Favorite songs you have written/recorded?
I think my favorite song I've ever written would be a toss up between two. One being a song called "The Only First", which is an honest ballad about the first guy a girl gives her heart to, and the other being a song called "Black Sheep" which is for anyone who has ever felt a little different. It's fun to play "Black Sheep" live and have people come up to me and say "Oh my gosh! You're totally talking about me in that song! I'm the black sheep of my family!"

What moment in your music career is your favorite so far?
It's so hard to have a favorite. I've been blessed to do a lot of really amazing things, but I'd say my favorite so far was being an artist on the nationwide tour "Country Throwdown". I traveled for a summer on a tour bus touring the country with artists such as Gary Alan, Rodney Atkins and Justin Moore-- Florida Georgia Line were just starting out and releasing "Cruise" so I got to watch that launch as well because they were on the tour with us. Such a fun summer. I love being on the road. I'm ready to do it again!

If I could sing a song with anyone I would choose_____.
If I could sing a song with anyone I would choose Dan Tyminski. He is my absolute favorite singer on the planet. Ya'll may not know his name, but I guarantee you've heard his voice! He is the voice of George Clooney's character in "O Brother Where Art Tho" for the song "Man of Constant Sorrow" and most recently, he collaborated with Aviici and is the voice on the pop song "Hey Brother". He's amazing.

If I could play any venue I would choose_____.
If I could play any venue, I would choose the Grand Ole Opry. Since I was a little girl, I've always said the ONLY thing I want to do is play the Grand Ole Opry. That is the ultimate for me. If I ever get to do it, I'll have to hold back SO many tears!

If I weren’t a singer/songwriter I would be _______.
If I weren’t a singer/songwriter I would be either a hair/make up artist or would go to culinary school. I love to cook, I'm definitely an old soul. A fun weekend for me is cooking, canning, name it! My grandma and mom were both hair dressers, so that is definitely in my blood!

I’m afraid of ______.
I'm afraid of spiders. Any kind. Even those little tiny spiders in the corners of your rooms or in your bath tub. Yeah, I'm definitely causing a scene if I'm by myself and I see one!

I never get tired of _______.
I never get tired of being on stage!

What is something that people don’t know about you? Something random/strange/etc.
Something random or strange about me… how do I choose one?! :) I am a total girly girl… I love make up, clothes, shoes, jewelry…. but I can also be a TOTAL tom boy, wearing yoga pants, tank tops and no make up. Sometimes my mom will say "are you really going to go out of the house lookin' like that?!"