Full Name:
John Cole Taylor
Hometown || Currently Live:
Hometown- Cuthbert GA/ Currently live in Nashville TN
What made you want to start writing /singing songs?
I grew up singing in church and one day somebody was like Cole you sound really good. So I took that and ran with it. My older brother introduced me to Karaoke tracks so I remember my first one was “Three Wooden Crosses” by Randy Travis and I practiced and practiced and finally got up and sang in front of a crowd of about 50 at Faith Baptist Church in my hometown. That lead to fall festivals, and festivals lead to singing the Star Spangled Banner at my high school and that lead to getting a guitar player and playing small dive bars when I was 15 to learning how to play myself to writing my own songs. THEN I found out I could make some money doing it and that really lead to me focus on my craft because I knew it’s something I could see myself doing as a career.
 Do you play any instruments?
I play guitar
 Did you teach yourself?
I did teach myself. The first song I ever learned to play was “Can’t You See” by The Marshall Tucker Band.
Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
Musical Inspirations for me goes from Left Field to Right Field. Of course Luke Bryan because we are from around the same part of Georgia so seeing a small town guy like me do something I dream of doing and sing songs that I grew up living is very inspirational. My other influences are Kenny Chesney, Garth Brooks, Doug Stone, Keith Whitley, Shenandoah, and Travis Tritt, those guys had a way of telling a story in a song and making you believe every single word that came out of their mouth, whether they wrote the songs or not and the story telling of country music is what made me fall in love with it, but I also grew up listening to a lot of Usher, Maroon 5, Justin Timberlake, Nelly and for me that is where a lot of my melodies and phrasing for my songs come from is that influence in my life.
 Where do you get inspiration to write your songs?
With my music I really grab inspiration from the stuff that I see going around that I know my fans would want to hear. I write songs for the people that don’t know how to put their feelings into words. I write songs for the Good Ole’ Boy in Georgia thats trying to figure out the words to say to tell this girl at a party he has a thing for her. I write songs for the guy wanting to build up the courage to call a girl up and tell her just cause she just got dumped she doesn’t have to sit at home alone on a Friday. From the windows rolled down to some dude sitting at a bar by himself and everywhere in between. Every day I try to bring a song to life that I feel will touch someone someday.
 You recently had the opportunity to write a really cool jam for FGL. How did this collaboration come about?
Matt and I wrote the tune back in December and I got a call around March saying that FGL wanted the song but they wanted the verses to be a little different so Rodney came in and did his thing on the verse and turned the song into magic. Rodney has such a great way of saying things and telling a story and it was all in the hands of FGL and their team then and Thank the Lord it made the record and I love seeing the feedback from all of the fans about it!  
Favorite songs you have written/recorded?
This is a REALLY tough one because all of them are like my kids, if you will, haha. I love all of them but I would have to say See You Around or Break That Lonely is definitely my favorites that I have recorded
What moment in your music career is your favorite so far?
This used to be a hard one but definitely October 14, 2014 when I went to Target at 3:15 after my morning write and picked up 3 copies of “Anything Goes” by Florida Georgia Line to see my song “Sippin On Fire” that I co-wrote with Matt Dragstrem and Rodney Clawson on there. Definitely one of the coolest feelings opening up that CD case and seeing my name on the credits.
Finish this sentence…if I could sing a song with anyone I would choose______.
Justin Timberlake
If I could play any venue I would choose_____.
Red Rocks
If I weren’t a singer/songwriter I would be ______.
Well I went to school to study accounting and I have 13 hours left in that degree but in all honesty I would probably be helping my dad skin and process deer at the family business in Georgia. Taylor’s Outdoor Advantage
I'm afraid of _____.
Not taking advantage of every opportunity I get.
I never get tired of_____.
Okay, I always ask people to tell me one thing about themselves that is random or strange that most people don’t know!
I don’t like pies, or cake, or chocolate candy. I’m a weird guy I know it! haha