Newly 23! 

Hometown/currently live:
I was born and raised in Houston, Texas but Nashville is my current home.

What made you want to start writing songs?
The first song I ever wrote was called "Indiana" and it was about me and my high school boyfriend breaking up right before college. I was DEVASTATED. I was searching for a way to get this emotion out of system so I decided to try and write my feelings out and then put the words to a melody that captured the sadness I was feeling; Then I was hooked to songwriting.  For me, it's an emotional release but also about connecting with other's who might be experiencing the same emotions I am.

Do you play any instruments? Did you teach yourself?
I do! I've been playing guitar since about 8th grade and then recently I picked up the mandolin which is SO fun! About 4 months ago my producer Ilya Toshinskiy mentioned I should learn to play mando and I was like "HAH yeah suuuure" and he was like " really should". So I ended up picking it up and teaching myself! Since the mandolin is pretty predominant in my sound and production, it made total sense. It's such a fun instrument to play! Currently I'm toying around with a harmonica. I don't read music very well, just learn and play by ear!

Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
OH boy…there are so many. I would say the big female voices out there like Trisha Yearwood, Linda Ronstadt, Patty Loveless, Sara Evans, Patsy Cline…the list goes ON! I listen to every genre from The Eagles to Michael Jackson so my musical inspirations vary from all walks of music. 

Where do you get inspiration to write your songs?
Everyone. Everywhere. Everything in my life. It's hard to pinpoint where exactly the ideas in my head come from. Some songs are very personal while other's come from a melody that popped into my head or a story I heard that I liked. The process is so dynamic but that's what makes it fun!

Favorite songs you have written/co-written?
I would have to say my single "Steal Me Away." I wrote it pretty soon after I moved to Nashville and I was on CLOUD 9 after the songwriting session with my producer and Lee Thomas Miller, the other co-writers. I called my manger and said "I'M SO EXCITED THIS SONG IS GOING TO BE ON THE EP!" and he said "Well we'll see you've got 6 more months of writing." He had a point but I've heard artists talking about these "gut feelings" about songs and this was for sure a gut feeling happening with "Steal Me Away." 

What moment in your music career is your favorite so far?
Theres so many!!! But I'll talk about 2 highlights. I'm on a radio tour currently for my song "Steal Me Away" so hearing it on the radio has been pretty mind-blowing!!! The other highlight was performing back in February at Galveston Mardi Gras. It was INSANE! The energy from the crowd mixed with the insane fun my band and I have onstage, it was incredible!!! My guitar got nailed with a huge bulky mardi gras necklace…it was stressful and amazing all at the same time.

Finish this sentence…if I could write a song for or with anyone I would choose______. 

Where do you see yourself in a year?           
In a year I want to be touring steadily, continuously building a long term career and meeting as many people as I can!

5 years?
In 5 years I hope to be singing my songs along with crowds of any size, coffee shops to stadiums! I just want to meet as many people as I can, have fun with what I'm doing and put a smile on someone's face with my music. 

If I wasn't a songwriter I would be
A Zumba instructor (which I did in college and LOVED it) or a kindergarten teacher.

I"m afraid of ______.
Doctor shots. I HATE THEM. Terrified.

I never get tired of_______.
Cupcakes :) 

 Okay, I always ask people to tell me one thing about themselves that is random or strange that most people don"t know! ​
I sleep with the covers over my head and make a little breathing hole so I don't suffocate. It's SO bizarre. I use to do it because I was afraid of the dark but now it's just habit. Also my head gets cold. I should probably invest in a sleeping night cap or something. 
F O L L O W   O L I V I A 

Special thanks to Olivia for taking this time to work with me on this interview! I am a huge fan of her music and cannot wait to see the success she has in the future!
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