Brittany, how did you get involved in the music industry?
After trying to adapt to the 'real job' lifestyle everyone expects out of you, I quickly learned music was my real passion. My parents jumped on my team and we sat down, made a plan, and pursued it!
At what age did you know that music was going to be a huge part of your life? Were you one of those kids who sang before they talked? Ha!
Oh yea, I grew up singing, I LOVED performing, I had a dress up stage performance for friends and family any chance I got. If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was 'a singer!'
Do you play any instruments and did you teach yourself?
Well, I have a guitar. I got all my chords down, I'm about as good as playing it as I am at dancing and that's something you don't want to see! Haha it's a process, I am going to get a song down one of these days. I wish I could teach myself haha it would be me glued to youtube because I'm a visual learner!
Do you write your own music? If yes, where do you get inspiration? If no, is that something you'd like to tackle in the future?
I do write!. I started a year and a half ago so I'm pretty new to the writing world, however I LOVE it. It's so fun to be able to put situations and relationships in songs for people to relate & sing to. And it gives me such a sense of satisfaction to be able to perform to my own music.
Changed, my first single was one of the first written. It's obviously about a love story I went through.. But the video tells it all!
As far a sound writers go, who influences you with their style of writing?
You know I look up to Shane Mcanally who has had his hand in writing with/for some well respected artist. But I would have to say Shana Canada who is a writer out of Nashville that has taught me most everything I know so far. Her style is soft but can be edgy too. And that's where I relate most because I have a girly side with an edgy sound. Anything we come up with together just sounds good to me!
If you had to compare your voice and tone to anyone else in country music who would it be? Has anyone ever said "you kinda remind me of…"?
I never compare myself to other artists. Only because I feel like artist as creators are so different as individuals. You just can't be duplicated! However I have gotten the Miranda Lambert comparison. I think it's mostly because like her, I love to rock out to a strong song. And I do it with confidence!
I never compare myself to other artists. Only because I feel like artist as creators are so different as individuals. You just can't be duplicated! However I have gotten the Miranda Lambert comparison. I think it's mostly because like her, I love to rock out to a strong song. And I do it with confidence!
What moment in your music career is your favorite thus far?
I love it all! Haha it's actually hard to pin point one moment. I've been lucky enough to open for some awesome national acts. That kind of adrenalin rush is probably one for the books but any time I take a stage and have great feedback & get to meet new fans afterwards is a great moment for me!
If you could sing a duet with anyone it would be...?
I would have to say Blake Shelton. I have always loved his voice and he's killer live!
If you weren't a songwriter you would be...?
I would prob open a boutique and be pursuing my own clothes line :)
I'm afraid of...?
Haha well really, I am not afraid of much. I'm a big risk taker. However yesterday I went flying with my significant other and he let go on the controls and made me fly the plane. I literally got so nervous I was shaking and almost threw up. Haha I'm not afraid to fly but I think I figured out I am scared to death when it's in my control! I thought I was going to die. It wasn't that hard, just nerve racking!
I never get tired of...?
I never get tired of animals. I love them! I have two dogs 3 cats and 2 bunnies and they all get along and play with each other. I have a petting zoo
Okay, what's one thing people may not know about ya??
I'm a craft & designing fanatic! With the help of my mothers sewing skills, I try to make at least one article of clothing per show & jewelry, and I love to paint & craft. It's my down time & how I relax with my crazy schedule!
Haha I won't tell my age im mid 20s! Lol
What does the future look like for you? Where do you hope to be year from now?
My future looks busy! I'm finishing up my first EP & were booking like crazy..
My plan is to be advancing even more in the music industry, bigger crowds, bigger fan base, & still creating awesome music to release. I hope to take this next year by storm. I'm blessed to be able to have the support I have to choose this as a career!
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